Table of Contents


  • BOLT Compatibility: We follow the Basis of Lightning Technology (BOLT) specifications to maintain compatibility with other Lightning Network implementations.
  • Modular Design: The implementation is designed with modularity in mind, making it easy to extend and customize.
  • Efficiency: We strive for efficient and optimized code to ensure fast and reliable performance.
  • Community Support: We welcome contributions and feedback from the community to improve and enhance the project.

Current State of BOLT implementation

  • [x] BOLT 1: Base Protocol
  • [ ] BOLT 2: Peer Protocol for Channel Management
  • [ ] BOLT 3: Bitcoin Transaction and Script Formats
  • [ ] BOLT 4: Onion Routing Protocol
  • [ ] BOLT 5: Recommendations for On-chain Transaction Handling
  • [ ] BOLT 7: P2P Node and Channel Discovery
  • [x] BOLT 8: Encrypted and Authenticated Transport
  • [x] BOLT 9: Assigned Feature Flags
  • [x] BOLT 10: DNS Bootstrap and Assisted Node Location
  • [x] BOLT 11: Invoice Protocol for Lightning Payments