Namespace NLightning.Bolts.BOLT2.Payloads
- AcceptChannel2Payload
Represents the payload for the accept_channel2 message.
- ChannelReadyPayload
Represents the payload for the channel_ready message.
- ChannelReestablishPayload
Represents the payload for the channel_reestablish message.
- ClosingSignedPayload
Represents the payload for the closing_signed message.
- CommitmentSignedPayload
Represents the payload for the commitment_signed message.
- OpenChannel2Payload
Represents the payload for the open_channel2 message.
- RevokeAndAckPayload
Represents the payload for the revoke_and_ack message.
- ShutdownPayload
Represents the payload for the shutdown message.
- StfuPayload
Represents the payload for the stfu message.
- TxAbortPayload
Represents the payload for the tx_abort message.
- TxAckRbfPayload
Represents the payload for the tx_ack_rbf message.
- TxAddInputPayload
Represents a tx_add_input payload.
- TxAddOutputPayload
Represents a tx_add_output payload.
- TxCompletePayload
Represents a tx_complete payload.
- TxInitRbfPayload
Represents the payload for the tx_init_rbf message.
- TxRemoveInputPayload
Represents a tx_remove_input payload.
- TxRemoveOutputPayload
Represents a tx_remove_output payload.
- TxSignaturesPayload
Represents a tx_signatures payload.
- UpdateAddHtlcPayload
Represents the payload for the update_add_htlc message.
- UpdateFailHtlcPayload
Represents the payload for the update_fail_htlc message.
- UpdateFailMalformedHtlcPayload
Represents the payload for the update_fail_malformed_htlc message.
- UpdateFeePayload
Represents the payload for the update_fee message.
- UpdateFulfillHtlcPayload
Represents the payload for the update_fulfill_htlc message.